Thistle and Fox
illustrations by Lauren Kelly on fabrics, wallpapers & handmade
So what is the difference between an exclusive design, non-exclusive design and a custom request?
Exclusive Design
(graphics only)
You pay a design fee (starts at $275 for a simple illustration, up to $590 for an elaborate design) in order to have the design made for your exclusive use. No one else can purchase fabric printed with this design.
I create the design in 14-21 days, send the finished graphics to you and keep the design in my portfolio in case you would like to order printed fabric or wallpaper from me in future.
It is up to you to either order yardage from me as a custom printed item or source your own printer.
Terms of Use & Copyright:
I own the copyright to the illustrations and designs. You have the right to use the commissioned graphics/designs to create printed items to use and sell as part of your business.
An exclusive design is sold with a usage licence which sets out the details of how the design may be used. These terms are negotiated and agreed upon by all parties involved before the design is commissioned.
Custom Request
(no graphics supplied)
You ask me to create a particular illustration to be printed on fabric/gift wrap/wallpaper & do not pay a design fee. There is no deadline for when the design is needed.
I create the illustration (usually within 21 days, though may depend on current workload)
The finished design becomes available for sale from my Spoonflower shop &/or is listed for sale in my Etsy store and you can order fabric or wallpaper as you need them.
Other people will also be able to purchase items printed with this design.
If the design request is something I'm not likely to include in my portfolio or a theme that does not fit with the feel of my existing work it is unlikely I will find the time to complete the request without it being a paid project. You are welcome to contact me with your ideas and ask... but bear in mind that skateboarding dinosaurs are not really my thing...
Note: I do not ever reproduce the work of other designers or use copyrighted material. So please don't ask for a fabric design with Disney characters or other similar trademarked designs or logos.

Non Exclusive Design
(no graphics supplied)
You ask me to create a particular illustration & pay a small design fee.
This arrangement is for projects where there is a deadline for when the design is needed but you do not need the graphic files or exclusive use of the design. You want to order materials printed via Spoonflower USA or Next State Print in Australia or Fashion Formula UK.
I create the illustration (usually within 14-21 days, though may depend on current workload)
The finished design becomes available for sale from my Spoonflower shop &/or is listed for sale in my Etsy store or on my website and you can order handmade homewares, fabric or wallpaper as you need them.
Other people will also be able to purchase items printed with this design if I choose to make the design public.