Thistle and Fox
illustrations by Lauren Kelly on fabrics, wallpapers & handmade
Coffs Coast Sewing Club
We're new here.
Welcome! We'd love you to join our small group of like minded locals, keen to sew and chat, share tips, enjoy a snack and stitch with friends.
While alone time in our sewing rooms is probably one of the reasons we love to sew.... it can be a bit lonely at times and meeting new friends who love sewing as much as you do, well, it's not easy in this busy world, no matter where you live.
We're reaching out to say - we sew too!
Our plan is to meet up every 2 months or so. It's a casual event, relaxed, with friendly faces and a calm space to be creative.
Bring your own project to work on, share tips, learn with friends. We are looking to grow our group of sewing buddies while learning to sew our own handmade wardrobes. Everyone is welcome, with any level of experience.