I'm Lauren, the designer, illustrator and maker behind Thistle and Fox Fabrics. I'm also known online as Ginger Kelly as my other job is as a freelance illustrator of fairy tales... when I'm not at my day job as a vet nurse. I'd like to show you around my website, my studio home, handmade products and of course, my fabrics!

Welcome to Ginger Kelly Studio
By now you have probably seen at least a few glimpses of my studio in my Ginger Kelly Studio instagram feed.
This is the space in which I live and work. When my family purchased this property many years ago I begged for the dilapidated garage space to become my home (eventually) ... fast forward a few years and my Dad transformed the 1950's shell into the beautiful cottage it is today. See the early stages of the transformation here.

This space is usually a hive of activity with my sewing activities late at night though it's also my sanctuary, a place to live and relax with my dog Toby and my bunnies, Pascal & Thistle.

Visit my studio
Unfortunately my Open Studio Day & Tea Party had to be cancelled in 2020-2022 due to Covid safety precautions.
Instead I have plans to get the place spruced up (it's a work-in-progress) and show you around with a virtual tour!
Keep an eye on your inboxes for the announcement via my email newsletter.
Of course, the space has changed many times since I moved in four years ago. The biggest change came from upgrading my sewing station with 2 huge height adjustable tables so I could sew the large quilts and play mats I was making as custom orders for a few years. Though I still sew the occasional play mat I've been sewing less custom orders lately and instead working on fulfilling fabric & wallpaper orders full time!
When I have a little more time to create (hopefully soon) there's a huge fabric stash in these cabinets waiting for me to re create my entire wardrobe and restock my website with ready made bags, pretty baby things and homewares. I may even get around to finishing off those home projects of my own that have been in the 'To Do' box for quite some time.
Creative spaces are always a work in progress...
